What happened at Stonehenge

What happened at Stonehenge

On the 19th June 2024, JustStopOil campaigners sprayed powder paint on Stonehenge. This is an act of criminal damage on a site that is considered spiritual and holy to many Pagans.

BBC News article – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo

Of course, Witchlets UK are appalled and hurt by what has happened, and saddened to see this pain resonate through our community. As adults, we are hurting and upset, but our children may also be confused, angry and even scared, and not necessarily have the toolkit to handle this.

We have built a “grief in the media” pack, which is carefully designed with expertise to begin the conversation of grief and pain with our children. It gives visualisation tools that allow them to recognise their feelings and a safe space to discuss them.

Unlike our other activities that are protected from AI Phishing, this pack has been left open to download without membership.

Witchlets UK, founded in 2016 for Pagan and Heathen families. From resources, to a travelling library to advocacy, we offer it all. Join us to stay up to date, or click events to meet us in person.


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